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Job ready

If you would like help, support or advice on writing a CV, preparing for a job interview or benefits while you are seeking employment, please pop into the Centre and ask for Simon or Laila.

We also have a wide variety of volunteering roles to help you gain work experience. Once you have been volunteering with us for a while, we can give you a reference for future employers.


‘The new temp-to-permanent job is great.  Fingers crossed that it does indeed become permanent. Meanwhile, I wanted to thank you very much for all your help, support and advice over the past weeks.  When I first met you at the job fair I was at a very low ebb and feeling very despondent.  I was convinced I would never work again!  However, attending your Job Club built my confidence. Your guidance on restructuring my C.V. really worked and I got more responses from it once I had changed it. Thank you again.’

Eva H-G