Older people

To attend a group, just turn up or call us for more information.

Everyone is welcome and we recommend bringing a friend along.

Castelnau mainpanel images over50s

Groups & Events


Young at Heart

Rejuvinating chair-based exercise to music to get the blood flowing and lift your spirits! After the class has finished we sit and chat together with a free cuppa and biscuit and sometimes a slice of homemade cake. All welcome, lots of support and guidance given. For more information, call Laila on 020 8741 6526.

Monthly Lunch

Join us for our monthly lunch – good food and good company guaranteed! We offer a traditional main course and pudding followed by a quiz. Please call Laila on 020 8741 6526 or email us to book a place or for more information. 


Walking Football For Men and Women

Our Walking Football sessions take place from 1:30pm-3:30pm, every term-time Wednesday. Sessions include warm up time, game time and a post-match cuppa!

Walking football has become increasingly popular. 'It's exactly what it sounds like - a standard game of football where players walk instead of run'. Its designed to help people get fit or maintain an active lifestyle no matter what their age, fitness or previous experience of football, as well as support people getting back into football if they have given it up due to age or injury.

For further information or to sign up, please telephone Laila Francis on 020 8741 6526 or email Simon Roach

Community Day Trips

Once a month we organise a day trip for the Over 50s. Costs and dates vary depending on the adventure. Please either call Laila on 020 8741 6526 or email us for more details.


We are always looking for volunteers to share their time and knowledge with the rest of the community. Volunteer with us and you can meet new people, have fun and even learn something in return. See how you could Support Us.

Other classes

Have a look through our general Adults section for other groups and courses we run that you might be interested in – from doing puzzles and knitting together to gentle gardening and Pilates. 

If there's an activity you'd like to do and we don't currently offer it, please let us know! Call 020 8741 6526 and ask for Laila.